New name, new website, new things!

Published 2011-10-21 by Jochen Lillich

New name

When we started our DrupalCONCEPT hosting products in 2010, incoming phone calls increased by an order of magnitude due to our support hotline. We would start every call with something like “Freistil-Consulting, my name is Jochen Lillich. How may I help you?” and ask many callers to send us their support request to “support at freistil dash consulting dot de”. Over time, we noticed that our company name and domain could be simpler and we started searching.

Because “freistil”, the german word for “freestyle”, greatly fits our modus operandi, we decided to keep this part and just drop the “consulting”. And since IT is what we’re good at and doing day to day, we went for “freistil IT” and the nicely short domain “”.

New website

Lean operations is the foundation of our company and so we decided to make the new website that had to come with our shorter name as lean as possible as well. Nothing more than a home page, a contact page, some information about our team and a blog. Everything in one language understood by our customers all over Europe.

From now on, the blog will be our main information channel that then feeds into other channels like Twitter or our newsletter. On the blog, we’ll regularly post company news, product innovations and tech articles. So, to stay up-to-date on all things “freistil”, you can simply subscribe to our blog’s RSS feed, to our email newsletter or follow our company Twitter account @freistil.

Also posted on the blog will be our “weeknotes”, weekly(ish) recaps of what happened at freistil IT. Jochen used to post them on his personal blog, but since they’re about the company, we think they belong on our company blog.

New things

We’ve been working hard behind the scenes over the recent weeks. So hard, actually, that we didn’t have enough time left to tell you about the new features of our DrupalCONCEPT hosting products we’ve been working on. We’ll catch up as quickly as possible.

And it’s not only details we have improved: There will be a whole range of new DrupalCONCEPT products that we’ll unveil in a few days!

So, keep watching exactly this very spot for exciting product news and interesting tech information — brought to you by freistil IT!


