Feature announcement: Flexible document root

Published 2023-10-10 by Jochen Lillich

After what feels like an eternity, we’re finally ready to announce new features for freistilbox, our managed hosting platform for Drupal and WordPress. The first in a series of features that we’re going to announce over the coming weeks is called “flexible docroot”.

Up until now, freistilbox required you to name the so-called document root, i.e. the directory containing your web application, “docroot”. While this name is still going to be the default, the new flexible docroot feature gives you the option to name this directory differently, for example “app” or “web”. This is especially useful for websites that you’re moving to freistilbox from another hosting platform with different naming requirements.

In summary, if you have a freistilbox website for which you prefer an application folder name other than “docroot”, you can now define it in the website settings on the freistilbox dashboard.

This feature is already available to customers in our Early Access Programme, and will be rolled out for all customers on Tuesday, October 17.


