Let's Brupal!
Published 2017-02-13 by Jochen Lillich
Apart from our local Drupal Open Days, DrupalCamp London is the Drupal event to which I’m looking forward the most every year. DrupalCamp London 2017 is coming up in the first week of March, I have everything booked and freistilbox will be sponsoring the party on Saturday night!
One of our core values at freistil IT is “community”. There are two aspects to this: first, our company as a community and second, being a member of the open source community in general and the Drupal community in particular. We think that giving back is an indispensable part of doing business in a community. So after the great party we had at DrupalCon Dublin, we thought that we should also make sure DrupalCamp London attendees will be having a great time outside of keynotes and sessions!
Speaking of which, the programme looks exciting! It covers a lot of interesting angles of using Drupal:
- Site building
- UX design
- Coding and Development
- Community and business
- Symfony
The most awesome DrupalCamp London team also got together a great bunch of keynote speakers:
- Matt Glaman, Commerce Guys
- Jeffrey “Jam” McGuire, Acquia
- Danese Cooper, Node.js Foundation
I’m also going to attend the CxO Day where there will be another impressive lineup:
- Sarah Wood OBE
- David Axmark
- Benn Finn OBE
- Barney Brown
- Prof. Andrew Spicer
- Paul Reeves
If you’re based in Europe and interested in Drupal, you really shouldn’t miss DrupalCamp London. Places are filling up quickly, so go ahead and register!
And hey, make sure not to miss the party on Saturday — we’d be very happy to see your drink on our tab!